2020 is now 2021!TEDxUNYP will be on September 18th, 2021!
Dear TEDxUNYP Community,
The time has arrived! The speaker list for 2021 is final and even bigger than before! We promised you 13 ideas worth sharing, and we felt it was not enough. Next to us, you waited nearly 2 years for this event - THANK YOU! For your time and patience, we will bring you one more amazing TEDxUNYP experience.
that regard, we have filled the gift bags with even more goodies, we have
increased the catering to include more coffee breaks, we have changed to a new,
bigger venue for your safety, designed an all new bigger stage, and we have
also added a 14th speaker!
As of today, the speaker lineup for 2021 is concluded (barring any unforeseen restrictions or cancelations due to COVID)! We have 14 incredible speakers and performers that will share with you ideas and moments we hope will last you a lifetime!
We are excited to finally have the ability to meet again and bring people together for ideas worth sharing! See you in September!
Event schedule
Location and details
Tickets are on sale via GoOut.net
Ticket Price: 1200 CZK
Reserve an on-the-spot Covid-19 test here
Tickets include:
3 sessions with 14 live speakers and performers ★
Lunch: vegan & non-vegan options by Zátiší Catering ★
Coffee Break: soft drinks, snacks and coffee by Zátiší
Catering ★
Interactive activities including a VR and E-sports zones and a TED Circles sub-event ★
★ TEDxUNYP Goody-Bag ★
Wisdom, knowledge and inspiration are also provided in abundance ★
The event is in English only.
Buy tickets to TEDxUNYP 2021 now!
TEDxUNYP 2021 Speaker Line-up*

How to talk to strangers: overcoming mental models.

How the fear of self-identity can affect the future of others.

Building universal skills for life through sports.

Stop judging, start caring: the empathic way to communicate.

Building a Brand: The New Way Out

Does size really matter? …when it comes to brains.

Lies, Racism and Sexism: The Power of Data Stories.

Esports is impacting the future of entertainment.

Innovation "kindergartens" for big organizations.

Leadership lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Crafting the Chorus of Your Life.

A dance of defiance and joy from Southwestern Bohemia.