Jan Mühlfeit shows us that there are many obstacles we have to face every day, which is why we are constantly looking for ways to overcome those and simply be happy. Buddha's wisdom can assist in finding a path to mental stability, happiness and success.

Huy Do Quang, the son of Vietnamese immigrants in the Czech Republic shows the struggle that his parents went through upon encountering a new and different culture. However a silver lining lies behind every story in a form of a lesson learned. Huy's life journey taught him that in order to reach his goals, he needs to defeat himself....

Nahal Yousefian shares how she accesses her own creative resources and asks some important questions. What exactly is pure imagination and what role does it play in one's creative process? What role does it play in the creative process of an individual preparing to give a TEDx talk?

Martin Pavlíček looks at happiness and how to reach it. He points out that we aren't taught how to be happy, but maybe we should. What would a class on happiness look like?

Olya Esipova connects imagination and environmental issues. Now, in the time of numerous social, political and economical problems we rarely think about environmental issues although nature is the basis of our existence. Learn about the world's most bizarre Saiga antelope and why imagination is just the beginning of the solution.

Monika Hanson Tutter explains that there are many obstacles in our lives and why some of them just won't go away. So what is the secret to managing your limitations and opening the gateway to your imagination?

Victoria Velvet took words such as "hope", "wish" and "dream" out of her vocabulary. These words were just not empowering her as a person during her journey to her "imagined me".

Yemi A.D. talks about the labels people give us and the way they affect how we think about ourselves. To overcome the way that labels affect us, we need to focus on the way we build our personal brand. Yemi shares his story of how he went through this process.

Ciaran Kelly walks us through a process of using imagination each and every day in order to improve both your health and your life. Why do we refuse to exercise our imagination, because someone else wants us to be efficient? If we use our imagination on a daily basis, only then will we control our lives and destiny.

Natalia Khozyainova talks about progressing through our educational path, and gradually becoming estranged to the usage of creativity and imagination, which leads to shrinking of our creative bank and fantasy flow. Returning back to the routes of "imagining" while learning can not only excite and engage us more, but also help us find purpose and...

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