TED Circles
About TED Circles
We believe that meaningful conversations create interpersonal connections that collectively strengthen communities. Through TED Circles, a host can invite their friends, neighbors, strangers, or a mix - many who have not attended TED or TEDx events - into their home, school, office, and more to discuss a variety of interesting topics. TED provides monthly themes, recommended Talks, and specific conversation starters so the host can focus on engaging everyone in constructive conversations. Here's a summary of what TED Circles are and are not:
- They are volunteer-hosted, small, face-to-face (in-person, online) gatherings where topics are safely discussed.
- They are not a TED event, they are not a club or a one-off gathering, and they do not sell things or raise money.
TED Circles hosted by TEDxUNYP are run by student volunteers and the TEDxUNYP team.
Each month an event will be scheduled and put on the calendars of TEDxUNYP Facebook and the University of New York in Prague calendar pages.