Doing the impossible!


Aron Anderson, professional adventurer and conquer of the impossible talks about his struggle with cancer and how obstacles are only self created limitations.

About the speaker

Aron climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, skied to the South Pole, and even took second place in the World Iron Man Championship from the confines of his wheelchair. Today, Aron is one of Sweden's most popular speakers with over one hundred engagements per year. His motivational talks on how to achieve goals and maximize potential have inspired many of Sweden's largest and most successful companies and organizations. It's an exciting and fascinating experience to listen to Aron - and become part of his adventures, creativity, humor and fighting spirit. 

Even as a child, Aron enjoyed pushing the boundaries. He climbed trees, sawed and built igloos. He simply loved discovering things. After a hip injury, which meant that he could no longer focus on professional sports, Aron was challenged to bike to Paris and just a few months later he was challenged to climb the Kebnekaise. Since then, he's been jumping from adventure to adventure... All adventures are fundraisers for the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation. "I would say that climbing the Kebnekaise tore down most mental barriers for me. It made me realize that anything is possible if you just work!"